Biotech Patents _Game As Usual.
Recent Advances in the Development of Transgenic Papaya
Insecticide Use on Vegetables in Ghana
Bt-cotton in India: Anatomy of a Controversy
Economic Impacts of Low Level Presence of
not Yet Approved GMOs on the EU Food
Table of Contents: Nature Reviews Focus on Stem Cells
Engineered Recombinant Human Paraoxonase 1
Colloquium Paper: Where does Biodiversity go from Here?
Vitamin C and Cancer Revisited
Death Renews Biosecurity Debate
The Scientific Roots of Modern Plant Biotechnology
Bt Cotton and Farmer Suicides in India:
Reviewing the Evidence
Introduction: Reactive Oxygen Species Special Feature
Draft Plan of Action
for Operationalisation of
the National Policy for Farmers, 2007
Institutional Boundaries and Interorganizational Collaboration
in the Field of Agricultural Biotechnology
Harvard Under Review
EU Discussion on GMO Regulatory Policy
Intellectual Property and Innovation Policy
Executive Summary
Global Challenges and Directions for Agricultural
Workshop Report
Cooperativity and Biological Complexity
Industry Collaboration and the Discipline of Academic Science:
The Case of Arabidopsis Research, 1974-2003
Genetically Engineered
Plants and Foods:
A Scientist’s Analysis
of the Issues (Part I)
Agricultural Biotechnology and
Normative Transformation in Academic Science
Publications on Arch Allergy......(Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't)
Plant Physiology (July 2008; Volume 147, Issue 3)
The Role of Science and Discourse in the Application
of the Precautionary Approach (PA)
Food Fight
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
Domestication and Early Agriculture in the Mediterranean Basin:
Origins,Diffusion, and Impact
Ministers and Scientists
Urge Rethink on GM Crops
Terrorists Hit University Researchers
The Cult of the Amateur in Agriculture
Threatens Food Security
Scientists Without Borders
How Old is the Sunflower in Mexico?
The Environmental Impact of Recombinant bovine
somatotropin (rbST) Use in Dairy Production
Reply to Rieseberg and Burke, Heiser,
Brown, and Smith: Molecular,
Linguistic, and Archaeological Evidence
for Domesticated Sunflower in
Pre-Columbian Mesoamerica
Molecular Evidence and the Origin of
the Domesticated Sunflower
A Lack of Linguistic Evidence for
Domesticated Sunflower in
Pre-Columbian Mesoamerica
Winnowing the Archaeological
Evidence for Domesticated Sunflower
in Pre-Columbian Mesoamerica
State of the Science on the Health Risksa of GM Foods
Compliance Costs for Regulatory Approval of New
Biotech Crops
Seeds of Opportunity: Towards a Sustainable, Consultative and Ethically Justified Use of Genetically Modified Plants
Warming of the Indian Ocean Threatens Eastern and
Southern African Food Security but could be Mitigated
by Agricultural Development
Virus meets RNAi:
Symposium on Antiviral Applications of RNA Interference
Epigenomic Tools
Detailed Analysis on Epigenome Technology
Transgenesis via
Permanent Integration
of Genes in Repopulating
Spermatogonial Cells
in Vivo
A Note on Rising Food Prices
Pharma Pursues Novel Models
for Academic Collaboration
Putting Science over Supposition in the
Arena of Personalized Genomics
The Paradox of Model Organisms
Dealing with a Data Dilemma
Agronomy and Plant
Breeding are Key to
Combating Food Crisis
The Auxin Influx Carrier LAX3 Promotes Lateral Root
Peer Review Contestations in the Era of Transgenic Crops
Deletion in a Gene Associated with Grain Size Increased
Yields During Rice Domestication
Agricultural Innovation and Economic Growth
in Africa: Renewing International Co-operation
Global Impact of Biotech Crops: Socio-Economic and Environmental
Effects, 1996-2006
Testing Time for Substantial Equivalence
Modern Day Agriculture
The Agbiotech Booklist
Freeing the Farm: A Farm Bill for All Americans
Nature Reviews Genetics Table of Contents Volume 9
Nature Reviews Microbiology Contents August 2008 Volume 6
Nature Nanotechnology Research Highlights Newsletter, 18 July 2008
Science and Technology Innovation-Manchester
The latest issue of Plant Physiology (July 2008; Volume 147, Issue 3) has a special section on next generation of biotech crops especially on nutritional improvement. These papers can
be downloaded free!
"Genetic Improvement of Bioenergy Crops"
Influence of Transgenosis on the Plant-Insect-
Relationships, in Particular on Chemically Mediated
Effect of Transgenes Conferring Enhanced Pathogen Resistance
on the Interaction with Symbiotic Fungi in Rice
Impact on the Soil Ecosystem through Natural and Genetically
Engineered Organisms:
Effects, Methods and Definition of
Damage as Contribution to Risk Assessment
The Decomposition of Bt-Corn on the Fields and its Impact on
Earthworms and on other Macroorganisms in the Soil
Environmental Post-market Monitoring of Bt-maize:
Approaches to Detect Potential Effects on Butterflies and Natural Enemies
In Need of a Green Revolution:
An Interview With Robert Paarlberg
Another Inconvenient Truth:
How biofuel policies are deepening poverty and accelerating climate change
Columns by Dan Gardner
The Art and Design of Genetic Screens:
RNA Interference
Resistance Redux: Infectious Diseases, Antibiotic Resistance and the Future of Mankind
How Sustainable are we?: Facing the Environmental Impact of Modern Society
Exporting the Ecological Effects
of Climate Change
LAO PDR: An Evaluation Synthesis on RIce
Introduction a Genetically Modified Banana in Uganda and its Impacts
Ecological Effects of Transgenic Crops and the Escape of Transgenes into Wild Populations
It's Frankenfood V. 'The Killer Tomatoes'
Technical Issues Relating to Agricultural Microbial Genetic
Resources (AMIGRS), Including their Characteristics, Utilization,
Preservation and Distribution
Expression of the Legume Symbiotic Lectin Genes psl and gs52
Promotes Rhizobial Colonization of Roots in Rice
Metabolic Engineering of Rice with Soybean isoflavone synthase for Promoting Nodulation Gene Expression in Rizobia
Research Paper
Novel Applications of Fungi
( Word Doc.)
By S.B.Sullia
Expressing Hepatitis B Virus Surface Antigen in Rice
By Janaki Krishna
Science, Technology and Innovation
Alfred Watkins and Michael Ehst
The World Bank on STI
Facts and Figures at a Glance, 2007: Global Status of Commercialized Transgenic Crops
( Word Doc.)
By T.M. Manjunath
Bt-Cotton in India:The Technology Wins as the Controversy Wanes
( Word Doc.)
By T.M. Manjunath
Genetic Engineering Approaches to Improving Nitrogen Use Efficiency
An ISB Report
Microbiology in the Post-genomic Era
NRM Medini Serruto 2008
Biofuel and Global Biodiversity
Agrobacterium-Mediated Transformation of Citrus
Potential Impacts of Bt Eggplant on Economic Surplus and Farmers' Health in India
Production of Polyhydroxybutyrate in Switchgrass
Perils of ‘‘Industrial Gene’’ and
‘‘Beanbag Genetics’’
Are Biotechnology Degree Courses Relevant?
Micronucleus Test and Comet Assay on Mice
RH Nature Reviews Genetics 08- Opposition to Transgenic Ttechnologies
Genetic Engineering Approaches to Impoving Nitrogen use Efficiency
A Review of International Labeling Policies of Genetically Modified Food
Compliance Costs for Regulatory Approval of New
Biotech Crops
GM Crops: Fears and Excitement
The Unfolding Gene Revolution:
The Ideology, Science, and Regulation of Plant Biotechnology
Extreme Polyploidy in a Large Bacterium
Midgut Bacteria Required for Bacillus thuringiensis
Insecticidal Activity
Agriculture for Sustainable Economic Development:
A Global R&D
Initiative to Avoid a Deep and Complex Crisis
Biosafety in India
Biosafety and Beyond
Attributes and Socio-economic Dynamics of Adopting Bt Cotton
Biology and Utility, Meanings and Histories
GMOs: Need for Appropriate Risk Assessment System
Bt Cotton in India
Bt Cotton: Farmers’ Reactions
Biotechnologists Too Are Bound by Scientific Methods
Suicide Seeds? Biotechnology Meets the Developmental State
Turning Science into Policy:
Challenges and Experiences from the Science–Policy Interface
Adoption of Bt Cotton and Impact Variability:
Insights from India
Noninvasive Molecular Imaging of Small Living Subjects using Raman Spectroscopy
The Cost of Biosafety Regulations: the Indian Experience
Biofortified Crops and Biotechnology:
A Political Economy Landscape for India
Naturalising Transgenics:
Official Seeds, Loose Seeds and Risk in the Decision Matrix of Gujarati Cotton Farmers
Mitochondrial Heteroplasmy and the Evolution of Insecticide Resistance:
Non-Mendelian Inheritance in Action
Larval Feeding on Bt Hybrid and Non-Bt Corn Seedlings by Harmonia axyridis
Coccinellidae) and Coleomegilla maculata (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae)
Larry Hoffman. L.B.Hoffman Farms Inc., and Dale Beaudoin vs. Monsanto Canada Inc. and Bayer Cropscience Inc.
The Court of Appeal for Saskatchewan,
Citation: 2007 SKCA 47, Docket: 1148
Modern Biotechnology as an Integral Supplement to Conventional Plant Breeding:
The Prospects and Challenges
By Prem P. Jauhar
Crop Science, 46:1841–1859 (2006).
Naturalising Transgenics:
Official Seeds, Loose Seeds and Risk in the Decision Matrix of Gujarati Cotton Farmers
By Devparna Roy, Ronald J. Herring and Charles C. Geisler
Journal of Development Studies, Vol.43, No.1, 158 –176, January 2007
The Genomics Revolution and Development Studies: Science, Poverty and Politics
By Ronald J Herring
Journal of Development Studies, Vol.43, No.1, 1 –30, January 2007
Stealth Seeds: Bioproperty, Biosafety, Biopolitics
Journal of Development Studies, Vol.43, No.1, 130 –157, January 2007
By Ronald J Herring
Why did "Operation Cremate Monsanto" Fail?
Science and Class in India's Great Terminator-Technology Hoax
By Ronald J.Herring,
Critical Asian Studies 38:4 (2006), 467–493
Farm-Level Economic Performance of Genetically Modified Cotton in Maharashtra, India
Review of Agricultural Economics—Volume 28, Number 1
The GMO Experience in North and South America
International Journal of Technology and Globalisation, Vol. 2, Nos. 1/2, 2006
The Top 100 Living Contributors to Biotechnology
Featured at the CORDIA Convention (London; October 2005)
Global Actors, Markets and Rules Driving the Diffusion of Genetically Modified (GM) Crops in Developing Countries
Intenational Journal of. Technology and Globalisation, Vol. 2, Nos. 1/2, 2006
Do Humans Need GMOs? -- A View from a Global Trade Market
Journal of American Academy of Business,
Cambridge, Vol. 8 (1), 147
Pusztai's Potatoes - Is 'Genetic Modification' the Culprit?
By Dr. Nina V. Fedoroff,
February 25, 2006
More on Pusztai Research from 'Pandora's Picnic Basket'
By Alan McHughen
Transgenes in Mexican maize: Desirability or Inevitability?
By Peter H. Raven,
August 15, 2005
Prince Charles and Genetically Modified Food
Articles and Comments from AgBioView
Communicating with the Public, Media and Policymakers on AgBiotech Issues
Articles and Comments from AgBioView
The Future of Food and Medicine
By Karri Hammerstrom,
Scientific Journal Articles: General Safety and Safety Assessment of Specific Genetically Modified Crops
A Compilation of Food and Feed Safety Studies
A Decade of Commercialized Transgenic Crops -- Analyses of their Global Adoption, Safety and Benefits
By T.M Manjunath
Playing God or Improving Human Lives?
Religious, Moral and Ethical Perspectives on Food Biotechnology
Articles and comments from AgBioView
USAID Answers Questions About Biotechnology, Addresses Concerns Raised By Countries Receiving U.S. Food Aid
U.S. Agency for International Development
Safety of Bt-Cotton: Facts Allay Fear
By T.M. Manjunath
Peer Reviewed Publications on the Safety of GM Foods
By Christopher Preston
Experience from the Humanitarian Golden Rice Project:
Extreme Precautionary Regulation Prevents Use of Green Biotechnology in Public Projects
By Ingo Potrykus
European Biotech Manifesto: Science Fights Back!
'Dangers of Letting "Eco-Stalinists" Hijack Intelligent Debate'
Interview with Klaus Amman
Can GM Crops be Introduced into Crop Centres of Origin and Diversity?
By C. Kameswara Rao and S. Shantharam
GM Crops: The Crushing Cost of Regulation
By Willy De Greef
Africa: Time to Focus on Invisible Wealth
By James Shikwati
Can Biotechnology Help Fight World Hunger?
Congressional Hunger Center Biotech Briefing
The Farm Scale Evaluations of GM Crops in UK
Articles and Comments from AgBioView
Biodiversity and Agricultural Biotechnology -
A Review of the Impact of Agricultural Biotechnology on Biodiversity
By Klaus Amman,
Director of the Botanischer Garten Bern
Chicken Little: The Green Threat to Progress
By Andrew McIntyre
GM-Free Wales -- Admirable Aspiration or Misguided Fantasy?
University of Glamorgan
The Environmental Challenge
By Peter Raven
Deploying the Full Arsenal:Fighting Hunger with Biotechnology (PDF)
By Peter Lacy
UK Organic Farming in Proper Perspective
By Anthony Trewavas, Institute of Cell and Molecular Biology
A Critique of Christian Aid and its Attitude to GM crops
Scientists for Labor
Let the facts speak for themselves: The contribution of agricultural crop biotechnology
to American farming (Word Doc)
The American Soybean Association, National Corn Growers Association and others
A Collection of Open Letters to the Participants in the Phony War Over Biotechnology
By Mark Mansour
Biotech Yield References
A compilation of documents about biotech yields and environmental benefits
The Safety of Foods Produced Through Biotechnology
Society of Toxicology Position Paper
Biotechnology: Addressing Today's Core Issues For Better Food & Industry Growth (PDF)
By Thomas Jeffersoh Hoban, PH.D
Vitamin A Deficiency Disorders: Origins of the Problem and Approaches to Its Control
By Alfred Sommer, MD, MHS
Livestock Performance: Feeding Biotech Crops (PDF)
By J. H. Clark and I. R. Ipharraguerre
Crop Biotechnology: Benefits, Risks and Ownership
By Gordon Conway, President,
The Rockefeller Foundation
Feeding the World in the 21st Century: The Role of Agricultural Science and Technology
By Norman Borlaug
Applying the Precautionary Principle to Genetically Modified Crops (PDF)
By Indur Goklany
Genetic Modification is a Simple Extension of Conventional Breeding
By Syamal Krishna Ghosh and Chitore Kr. Guha Sarkar
Ending World Hunger: The Promise of Biotechnology and the Threat of Antiscience Zealotry
By Norman E. Borlaug
Dr. Strangelunch -- Or: Why we should learn to stop worrying and love genetically modified food
By Ronald Bailey
Biotechnology's Greatest Challenge
by Nigel J. Taylor and Claude M. Fauquet
Transgenic Plants and Biosafety: Science, Misconceptions and Public Perceptions
by C. Neal Stewart, Jr, Harold A. Richards, IV and Matthew D. Halfhill
Genetically Modified Crops: Demystifying the Science
by Derek Burke
GM Is the Best Option We Have
by Anthony Trewavas
The Hypocrisy of Organic Farmers by Professor Bob Goldberg
The "Political Economy" of Agricultural BiotechnologyFor the Developing World
by Klaus M. Leisinger
Scientists Leave the Lab to Defend Bioengineered Food
by Lila Guterman
Billions Served (Interview with Norman Borlaug)
by Ronald Bailey
Agriculture in the 21st Century: Vision for Research and Development
by Norman E. Borlaug & Christopher Dowswell
Who's Afraid of Genetic Engineering?
by Jimmy Carter
Feeding a World of 10 Billion People: The Miracle Ahead
by Norman Borlaug
The Church of England Statement on Genetically Modified Organisms
Church Of England
Why Africa Needs Agricultural Biotech
by Florence Wambugu
The Benefits of Biotechnology
by Senator Bond (MO)
Global Governance: A Recipe for Global Protectionism
By Deepak Lal
The Bogus Debate on Bioethics
By Suman Sahai
Genetically Modified Plants: Monsters or Miracles?
By Nina Fedoroff
Safe in the Ivory Tower?
By Peggy G. Lemaux
Arguments in Favour of Genetically-Modified Crops
By Ben Miflin
Rebuttal to Christian Aid
By Christopher Dowswell
Are Bioengineered Foods Safe?
By Larry Thompson
Environmental Benefits and Sustainable Agriculture Through Biotechnology
By Ellin Doyle
Biotechnology can Help Feed an Increasing World Population - Its Positive and Negative Aspects Need to be Balanced
FAO Press Release
Economic Impact of Transgenic Crops in Developing Countries
By Terri Raney
GMOs and NGOs: Biotechnology, The Policy Process, And The Presentation Of Evidence
The Draft Genome of the Transgenic Tropical Fruit Tree Papaya (Carica papaya Linnaeus)
Agricultural Biotechnology: Legal Liability Regimes from Comparative and International
How Biotechnology Is Being Kept Out of Africa
Salt Tolerance of Arabidopsis thaliana Requires Maturation of N-glycosylated Proteins in the Golgi apparatus.
Q & A on Bt-Cotton in India.
Answers to More than 70 Questions on all Aspects.
Scrutinizing Industry-Funded Science: The Crusade Against Conflicts of Interest.
Emerging Markets for GM Foods: An Indian Perspective on Consumer Understanding and
Willingness to Pay.
A Tthree-year Longitudinal Study on the Effects of a Diet Containing Genetically Modified Bt 176 Maize on the Health Status and Performance of Sheep.
Potential Impacts of Genetic use Restriction Technologies (Gurts) on Agrobiodiversity and
Agricultural Production Systems.
National Biotechnology Development Strategy.
Ecological Impacts of Genetically Modified Crops.
Economics of BT Cotton vis-a-vis Traditional Cotton Varieties.
Is Bt Cotton Cultivation Economically Viable for Indian Farmers?
Trends in Biotechnology.
Genetically Engineered Soybeans.
Review of Data on Possible Toxicity of GM Potatoes.
USDA Foreign Agricultural Service GAIN Report.
Agriculture for Sustainable Economic Development.
Report of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development.
 Managing the Footprint of Agriculture.
Beyond Risk - A More Realistic Risk–Benefit Analysis of Agricultural Biotechnologies.
Biosafety and Risk Assessment Framework for Selectable Marker Genes in Transgenic Crop Plants.
A Global Perspective of the Richness and Evenness of Traditional Crop-variety Diversity Maintained by Farming Communities.