Welcome to the FBAE BLOG!

The Foundation for Biotechnology Awareness and Education (FBAE), since its inception in 2002, has been striving to spread scientific awareness about risks and benefits of modern biotechnology by organizing a variety of events like seminars, symposia, workshops, public lectures, and participating in biotechnology policy development in the country. The foundation is now an internationally recognized voice from India for spreading scientific facts and information about modern biotechnology in a way public can comprehend this fast developing transformative technology.
We are continuously striving to improve our delivery of messages and spreading awareness among a broad spectrum of stakeholders. This newly launched web site is one such effort. We hope you will appreciate and like clarity with which different items have been presented. We would like our web site to be dynamic and interactive. In the information technology era, there can be no better mode of transmitting vies, opinions, and news than a dynamic web site. We will be counting on our readers to help us achieve it by giving inputs, comments and criticisms. I would like to thank our governing body members for their help in putting up this new web site. Please feel free to contact anyone of our committee members to give your inputs.
Best wishes,
Dr. Shanthu Shantharam
Convener, FBAE
April 20, 2008