Important Links
FAO Corporate Document Repository; FAO Biosecurity Toolkit
The Role of Agricultural Biotechnologies for Production of Bioenergy in Developing Countries
The International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD) Reports
Biotechnology in Food and Agriculture
Natural selection
Why should we worry about genetic modification in humans when we already accept enhancement by surgery, drugs and cosmetics?
Information on some of Cornell's educational efforts on agricultural biotechnology. It includes PDF files for Cornell-prepared brochures
Golden Rice: First field tests in the Philippines
Try modern technologies to deal with food crisis
The United Nations (UN), today, acknowledged that food shortages threaten the lives of millions of people, especially in the developing world.
Playing God or Improving Human Lives?
Religious, Moral and Ethical Perspectives on Food Biotechnology
Gene Construction Kit
Overview: A DNA design, manipulation, and drawing tool.

Spotlight on Antibiotic Resistance
With resistance increasing to existing antibiotics, developing countries face a growing challenge in combating killer diseases.
The Rise of Nanotech
If you have heard about nanotechnology at all, you may be aware of its science-fiction-sounding hype.
Surveillance vital for tackling antibiotic resistance
International surveillance systems are needed to curb the rise of antibiotic resistance.
Antibiotic resistance: Frequently asked questions
Priya Shetty answers some common questions surrounding antibiotic resistance, and the dangers for the developing world.
Antibiotic resistance and the developing world
Many factors are increasing antibiotic resistance, and authorities, doctors and patients all have a role in fighting it, writes Jia Hepeng.
Restoring Tanzania's ecosystems
Tanzania's land is gradually being reclaimed, thanks to a new regional development programme and improved land management systems.
Prizes, not prices, to stimulate antibiotic R&D
With the worldwide growth of resistance, new antibiotics are increasingly needed. But R&D can be expensive and time-consuming, says James Love.
Reducing antibiotics not enough to stem resistance
Reducing antibiotic use is not enough to curb the rise of resistance in the developing world, say Zulfiqar A. Bhutta and Syed Rehan Ali.

Antibiotic resistance calls for better diagnostic labs
Tackling antibiotic resistance requires well-run diagnostic laboratories, says Pradeep Seth.
Change in Protected Area categories needed
Luigi Boitani argues that a change in the classification of protected areas is needed to help preservation efforts.
Priorities for controlling urban dengue
Amy C. Morrison and colleagues outline key preventative measures for controlling the Aedes aegypti mosquito that spreads disease.
Course on cassava genetic resources and their manipulation for crop improvement
Date: 10th July 2008 - 11th July 2008
Malaria Program Case Management Officer, Equatorial Guinea
Organisation: Medical Care Development International (MCDI)
Location: Equatorial Guinea
Marketing Manager
Organisation: SciDev.Net
Location: London, UK
World Bank Report - Building STI Capacity in Rwanda
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