An Impossible Coexistence: Transgenic and Organic Agriculture
The Pusztai Scandal Laid Bare
Dr Pusztai on 10th anniversary of GM Safety Scandal
Sowing Feudalism
Hazardous GMOS
Prince Says GM Crops will Harm not Feed the World - and he May Have a
The 'Luddite' Prince and a GM Catastrophe
Prince Charles in Battle with Ministers Over 'Cynical' Attempts to Push
GM Food as the Solution to World Hunger
Prince Charles, Science and Global Hunger
Exposed: Europe's GM-Hype in Times of Food and Fuel Crisis
Farmers' Union on Seeds Act + GMO Authority + US - India Knowledge
Initiative in Agriculture
Drop the National Biotechnology Regulatory Authority
Proposals of Department of Biotechnology
Indian Farmers Shun GM for Organic Solutions
Too Many Unknowns in the Manufacture and Use of GM Foods
Defender of the Seeds: Q&A with Claire Hope Cummings
GM Foods - Letter to the Editor of the Irish Times
Debunking Claims that GM Crops are Becoming the Norm
What's the Difference between Bt and Natural Cotton?
After a Disastrous Track Record in 40 Countries,
Bt Cotton is "Welcomed" in Pakistan
Bt is a Insecticidal Toxin
Bickering will Never Feed the World
'We need a Moratorium on Bt Cotton and New GM Testing'
US May Push GM Agenda after N-deal
FAO and "Genetic Pollution"
Sustainable agriculture: A world beyond GM crops
Indian scientists do not promote sustainable technologies because they are disconnected from the farming community.
There was a stunned silence. For a few minutes they didn’t know how to react. They stared blankly at me, not many of them believing my words.
PAU should not promote BT cotton: KVM
BATHINDA: A day after Punjab Agriculture University (PAU) approved two new Bt cotton varieties, Kheti Virasat Mission (KVM) among many other voluntary organizations working in the field of natural and sustainable agriculture strongly raised objection to the new varieties.
Confession of A Qualified Genetic Engineer
'I bow before his Holiness Pope Benedict for my scientific sins. I have definitely done harm to mother earth and earned sins and I pray to His Holiness The Pope Benedict to prescribe me the punishment for this.
Large-scale Introduction of GM Crops Raises Concern
Joint Workshop with Medical Practitioners on GM
"Stop Release of Genetically Modified Organisms"
GM Crops' Biosafety Testing Procedure Questioned
Many Skeletons Tumble out of GEAC's Cupboard
Sustainable Agriculture: A World Beyond GM Crops
Manganese Nutrition of HT and Conventional Soybeans - Setting the Record Straight
Plan for GM Regulatory Authority may Spark a Turf War
The Grassroots Campaigner Behind the Public Interest Litigation in the Supreme Court
The Mealy Bug has Entered Vidarbha Cotton Fields through the Bt
Cotton Seed
Against the Grain: The Terminator Hoax
First Egyptian Approval Of Genetically Modified Corn Raises Questions
Genetically Modified Seed Firms Rule India: Judge
Government against GM Seed Trials: Minister
Ravi Calls for Detailed Study on GM Crop Impact
Unintended GMO Health Risks
India under Fire for 'Misleading' Biosafety Statements
GE or not GE?
VJAS Demand PM to Ban Bt Cotton
Eight 'Clone Farm' Cows Born in Britain
Scientists Warn Against GM Foods
The Colour Purple
GM Crops not the Solution for Fighting Inflation
Ban GMOs Now !
Could GM Crops Offer the Solution for the Rise in the Cost of Food?'
GM Watch is Notorious for its Anti-GM Stance
State of the Science
on the Health Risks of GM Foods
Advisory Committee Ignores Warning of GM Hazards
Prof. Dr. Engineer Stanislaw Wiackowski - Profile
Healthy Polish Food
The World Defends itself against GMO
Profit Before Ethics?
Influence on the EU
Dangerous GM Soy
Poland - A Guinea Pig?
Deadly Gift from Monsanto to India
A Clarion Call to Doctors from Doctors
Dr. Bhargava's letter to GEAC
Poverty Exacerbated by GM Seeds
Groups and Scientists Call for Halt to Releases of Genetically Engineered Trees
Panel Ignored Bt Cotton Toxicity Evidence'
ECO-INDIA : An Appeal to Save the World
Outcome of Jantar Mantar Protest
From: Jagannath Chatterjee
Subject: For Subhas Mahapatra: Outcome of the Jantar-Mantar Protest.
Research on Bt Cotton Impact Sought
HYDERABAD: The Deccan Development Society and AP Coalition in Defence of Diversity have demanded that the State and Central governments order comprehensive scientific research into the adverse impact of the Bt cotton cultivation on human, animal and soil health.
Consumers and Farmers are Marching Against GMOS
Consumers and farmers are marching in Melbourne, Australia against GM food and crops, on Wednesday 21st May beginning at the State Library at 1pm and proceding to Parliament House
ABARE Produces Another Bogus Report
The Network of Concerned Farmers (NCF) have slammed ABARE for their latest economic report titled "Economic Impacts of GM crops in Australia" claiming that it is based on misinformation and driven by the Federal government protecting their own investments in GM technology.

Another Year of Doom: Bt Cotton in Andhra Pradesh
The huge hype of Bt Cotton has once again trapped cotton farmers in Andhra Pradesh
Scientists Create First Human Embryo
Human Genetics Alert (1) has discovered that American scientists have created the world's first genetically modified (GM) human embryo, without notifying the public or the media.
Spread the good news!
European Commissioners yesterday overturned the European Food Safety Authority's (EFSA) "safe to eat" verdict for three new GM crops -- two varieties of GM maize and one variety of GM potato.
Tamil Nadu Anti-GE Movement staged a demonstration in Coimbatore protesting BT seeds.
Greenpeace claims illegal GM food items are being sold in India
GM food silently taking over menu?
Local and Global Elites Join Hands
Development and Diffusion of Bt Cotton Technology in Gujarat
Paradoxes that Remain
Bt Cotton in India
Bt Cotton in Karnataka
GMOs: Need for Appropriate Risk Assessment System
High Stakes in Agro Research
Performance of Bt Cotton
Bt Cotton
Is Africa being bullied into growing GM crops?
Greenpeace Welcomes the Publication of the First Assessment of Global Agriculture
Coalition for GM Free India Marks Global Day of Action
Supreme Court order on GM food items “a breakthrough”
The Recipe for Food Rights
Prices of basic foods have sharply increased amid a rise in costs of commodities.
The crisis has led to riots in poor countries by people who have limited access to food.
Bt Cotton Cultivation in India: Some Facts
Genetic Engineering in Indian Agriculture